Yesterday. A short tale aboul the day

I was very busy yesterday. Despite of the fact, that it was a day off, I had a lot of thing to be done.

Firstly, I called the company that sold some educational equipment in order to figery out the price of one device, that could replace an interactive board in a class room.

I had called them before and they said that they would call me back next day bit they didn't. So I called hem yesterday anв finally figured out the price. I wish I had this device in order to show it for schools.

Secondly, I called BKC IELTS Centre to confirm my registration to exam. I take IELTS again 17-th of November.

Thirdly, I went to school 117 in order to complete my course for teachers. They wanted to know how to operate with interactive board. 

I was absolutely exhausted after I had finishrd my lessons. My courses are very demanding things. They tale all my energy in the usual course of events.

Finally I came home, took a dog for a walk. I went to bed at 11 o'klock in the evening.

It was a very long and busy day.