2012-02-04. Seminar "Your reserve parashute" in Novinki

Yesterday I ran the seminar for teachers of Novinki school. The seminar was dedicated to the way to broad people's vision and show them some realitiy of their lives.

As a matter the fact is majority of people play a extremely dangerous game. They don't think about their future absolutely. The pattern of their life is: go to the work, work hard, earn many, spend all money they have earned and again go to the work.

During the seminar I gave the example of quite successful man who had everything he needed. He was a vice president of the big and famous company, the great careere, personal office with the secretary, personal car and the like. He thought of himself as a very reach and successful man.

Unfortunately after an automobile accident he became disable and since then he have been using the whillchair. Now he has allmost nothing. There are no office, no personal car, no high salary, no bonuses. Just nothing!

The think, I have offered to speculate to audience was: any careere could be interrupted any time because of different reasons. The only way to feel well is having reserve money.

The audience was very terrified by the picture of their future I haму gave. It was a classical careere stair.

the standard careere stair

Everyone plans his careere but nobody plans his pension. In Russia being a pensioner is too hard work.  Everyone should remember this and save and invest money while hу is still young and full of energy. I shown the ways how to save money and how to invest it.

The seminar was quite successfut. I ran it for free. I mean I did it without any fee. It was the first time only. Next time I'm planning to collect same little money from participants.